About Us
South Bronx Restoration is one of the leading providers of residential building maintenance and management services in the New York City metropolitan area. Our clients represent non-profits and for-profit organizations operating apartment complexes, homeless shelters, and government-subsidized buildings. With over 30 years of experience helping house facilities manage complex operations, we specialize in procuring superior services at lower prices and implementing monitoring technologies and preventive maintenance strategies to detect problems before they arise and stay in compliance with the latest regulations. We streamline and automate operations using the technologies designed to fit your needs combined with our network of service providers who are ready to meet your needs at a fraction of the cost.
Over 15 Years Experience
South Bronx Restoration is a construction and maintenance management company based out of Long Island, New York. We have been serving our community for well over 15 years. South Bronx Restoration is a woman-owned business (wbe/mbe/lbe) and has always strived to achieve the highest quality and personal attention on all our projects. For those 15 years, South Bronx Restoration has been active in the construction of commercial, institutional, industrial, adaptive reuse, renovation, and multi-tenant residential facilities throughout the New York area.
Best Materials
Why does it often require a catastrophic event, such as a building's collapse, for us to question the quality and integrity of the structures we inhabit? Despite being perceived as secure shelters for our living, working, and resting, buildings can become sources of misery when shortcuts are taken in their design, material selection, construction, and usage, jeopardizing their safety and functionality.
Professional Standards
We abide by a set of practices, ethics, and behaviors that members of a particular professional group must adhere to. These sets of standards are frequently agreed to by the professionals who represent the interests of our industry.
Examples of professional standards include:
Accountability – takes responsibility for their actions
Confidentiality – keeps all sensitive information private and away from those who should not have access to it
Fiduciary Duty – places the needs of clients before their own
Honesty – always being truthful
Integrity – having strong moral principles
Law-Abiding – follows all governing laws in the jurisdictions in which they perform activities
Loyalty – remain committed to their profession
Objectivity – not swayed or influenced by biases
Transparency – revealing all relevant information and not concealing anything